Blue Access for Employers

Prescription Drugs

As an employer, you know that your employees consider prescription drug coverage one of their most important health care benefits. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) offers benefit designs that meet the needs of your employees while helping you manage prescription drug costs.

Prescription Drug Card

The BCBSIL prescription drug card program allows you to offer a drug benefit which works alongside your medical plan. The drug card program provides your employees ease of access to covered medications through a network of contracting pharmacies that includes all national chains and most independent pharmacies. Our standard prescription drug benefit designs are formulary-based and include three-tier copayment, coinsurance and mixed payment options.


For groups whose medical plan does not include the BCBSIL prescription drug card program, the group can choose to cover outpatient prescription drugs under their medical plan. Members simply present their ID card with the BlueSCRIPT logo at a contracting retail pharmacy to receive the discounted price for their covered medications. The contracting pharmacy then submits the claim electronically.

Please contact your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois representative with any questions about our prescription drug products and services.